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    Statistics can be used to generate more detailed information on the number of calls made during the day.

    The statistics page will list the number of calls on a daily basis by showing a list of days with a number of calls which were made during those days.

    If we click on the Advanced Search button, the search options will give you more criteria to choose from.

    First of all we have the date ranges. These are the start and end dates of the displayed calls.

    The ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields are used to filter calls from and to the number specified in the criteria.

    You can also use the duration field; this is measured in seconds and you can set a range for the duration of the calls. Also, both fields can be modified to show equality signs.

    Once we have filled out all of our desired criteria, we can click the search button.

    This will show the date, total time, total calls, average call time and also a graphic.

    You can download this as a CSV file to show the call results in the search you specified.

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